Saturday, January 22, 2011

Tragic, tragic, tragic...

[Let's talk about the weather! ...And the shortage of injection drug]

The weather is as unreliable as ever. It's been around -2°C to 2°C most of the day, a wild mixture of everything. Don't you just love those days?...Not. Almost ironical when you look out the window and the sun peeks in only to have snow smack your face once you dare to open the front door. What else was a smack in the face today? The tragedy of denied murder. How did we not see this coming?! A scarcity of poison! Oh, the tragedy! Oh, the drama! What else will the world have to suffer next?! A shortage of stds? A lack of global warming? A scarcity of poison? - Ah, no wait, we got that one already. Poor us!
Seriously...doesn't humanity have greater problems than worrying about how to kill the next convict the most effortless way? As an opponent to death penalty in general, I can only look at this debate with rising disgust and sadness. Not only is the action of taking a life despicable in itself, but making a huge scandal because your preferred method of killing is taken from you is more than cynical. (Why not dust off the good old axe or guillotine again if you stick to medieval standards of death sentence anyway?) It makes me want to laugh out loud, were it not so bitter that this topic is actually taken seriously and not a joke at all. The U.S. has a long history of death penalties and nowadays most of them are carried out by lethal injection. Isn't it strange that one of the world's most developed nations sticks to something that has it's place rather in medieval, arbitrary monarchy than in modern democracy? Maybe the bad bad bad shortage of poison is a sign to finally think the whole thing over again.


  1. That's what I call "epische Kausalität".
    I like your idea of reviving the good old guillotine ... or what about the wonderful tradition of bread and circuses??!! That way they could get rid of the cons AND satisfy the public's bloodthirst ... ähem...I mean demand for justice, of course.
    Imagine a nice and shiny Colloseum beside, let's say, the Statue of Liberty or the White House? Wouldn't that enrich the cities' panorama immensely?? And so useful, as well.


  2. you want a comment? Well here's a comment. ;D

    I love your sarcasm, it fits the topic well!


  3. I chuckled my way through this entry, it was witty and captivating. As always your writing style keeps me glued to my seat right to the end.

    Another thing: you have a real flair for drama, and also the irony dripping from your 'voice' suited your topic. I agree with everything you say about the medieval-modern contradiction of the death sentence. Hopefully more US states will re-think their thirst for blood.

    I'm looking forward to reading more of your thoughts, keep up the good writing :D
