Saturday, January 29, 2011

Obama stuck?!

[Let's talk about the weather!....No, seriously. Let's talk about the weather :D ]

It's hard to believe, but yes, right now my only topic will be the weather and it's results! It's almost magical to see the pictures of New York being covered in snow.
Miss Liberty must be smiling down on the big apple right now and enjoy the sight!
Even the President got stuck in Washington after several inches of snow fell like a veil over a huge parts of several regions.
Almost funny how people behave surprised time and time again, feeling caught off guard by a 'snow chaos' winter.
But the weather forecast had already warned about the snowstorm beforehand - and just looking at the picture in this article we feel instantly alot cozier in good old, warm Germany.

But really, one should just admit that there are after all some things humans cannot control -and it's good that way- and rather enjoy in the beautiful sight. When the air is crystal clear and every sound quieted down, the world seems a bit brighter and happier. Wouldn't you agree?

(*All pictures taken by myself)

Daily laugh! Since we all enjoy the snow so much!! Make profit of it! Or be creative! Or fear it's revenge!

1 comment:

  1. Lovely pictures m.b. (m.k.)
    You have an eye for beauty in your photography as well as in the way you express yourself through your effortless writing style. It never fails to have me caught until your very last sentence. I would definitely agree with your final question and furthermore I think that a lot of people would be a lot happier that way.

    Also, I laughed ridiculously hard at the snowball pic, I guess he doesn't realise the skill of rolling snowballs isn't his alone.
