[Let's talk about the weather!.....and winning the future!]
(© wetter.com)
The winter is back! Every morning that you step out the frontdoor you can feel the cold creep a little bit more insistently through the soles of your feet. Slowly but surely we're reaching the point where even the last person longs for the wind to grow warmer and for winter to finally over. You can already taste sun, beach and ridiculously expensive cocktails on your tongue, thinking about summer - really there's no better time to think about the future than on cold winterdays!
And the best thing: You're not alone with that. Even in political circles it is just the right time to think about the future. Barak Obama delivered his second State of the Union address this week, focusing on how to improve the economy of the United States; a typical speech that tries to give the future more of a shape.
And as always, the opinions stray far apart - how could they not in politics? While the democrats agree that Obama delivered the speech confidently, including the main issues and drawing a bridge between economy, education and innovations, the Republicans remain critical concerning the question whether the policies of the administration lead to economic growth. Obama is showing his optimism in the future very actively right now, including schools, companies that offer jobs to lower the rate of unemployed people and those that use and invent new technologies in his main topics.
How much of this will be achieved and if the policies of the administration work out remains to be seen.
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